
Client: Techmann solutions

Category: Mobile app development

Location: Munich, Germany

Website: Techmannsolutions.com

Year: 2020

About the Project

Wecare is a mobile app which integrates the bluetooth enabled medical devices and shares the collected information with Caregivers and Doctors. 

We have used the existing medical devices (like thermometer, oximeter, smart diapers, wound sensors etc.) with bluetooth capability and share the data they collect over bluetooth to the app of the patient. These data are sent over the internet to the central server where they are stored in our database. Appropriate machine learning algorithms (like general linear regression based models or Support Vector Machines (SVM) for pattern recognition) could be applied to extract and analyse the appropriate information using the data obtained from the application. Then these informations are shared to the respective Caregivers who will use this data to monitor the health status of patients, get alarm in case of emergencies or even consult with respective doctors for the treatment procedures. The Caregiver version of the app also shows the statistics about a patient’s health and also allows them to create schedules/reminders for the respective patient. Additionally, machine learning can help identify certain disease patterns and suggest solutions for Caregivers. They can also contact the patients, doctors and patients’ relatives directly from the app in case needed. Also the Caregivers are able to generate and share patients’ past and present health report with the relatives as well as doctors. Using appropriate encryption, we make sure that the patient data is secure and shared only with approved caregivers and doctors. Also caregivers can access the patient’s data only if he/she is approved by the patient.

The sole purpose of the proposed solution is to help automate the process of recording the patients’ vitals, analysing, documenting and presenting them in solid form so that caregivers don’t have to waste their precious time on these activities and can focus on what they are best at doing. Also such documentations help determine future treatment courses.

Main features

  1. App connects with all the bluetooth enables medical devices.
  2. Patient’s medical stored in secure server.
  3. ML used in server to extract useful information.
  4. Information provided to Caregivers in the form of warnings or visual data.

Current stage:

  1. Completion of ideation phase.
  2. Working on proof-of-concept.
  3. Ongoing work in connecting with medical devices from different manufacturers.
Flow chart Care-ISP v2
Fig: System architecture

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